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How Seattle’s Bakeries Are Working to Raise Money for Safe Abortion Access

A June 5 fundraiser includes Saint Bread, Ben’s Bread, and other notable local bakeries

A woman and man stand together surrounded by loaves of bread in baskets.
Ben and Megan Campbell of Ben’s Bread rallied local bakeries to raise money for organizations fighting for safe abortion access.
Courtesy of Ben’s Bread

In 2019, Planned Parenthood’s federal funding was under attack by the Trump administration. Ben’s Bread co-owner Megan Campbell knew she had little sway over national politics, but instead of wallowing in the anger and despair she felt, she decided to do what she could: throw a bake sale to raise funds for organizations supporting abortion access.

Back then, she couldn’t imagine Roe v. Wade being overturned and says she got “really upset” when she read the recently leaked Supreme Court majority draft opinion arguing to remove some of the strongest federal protections for abortion access. She didn’t want to sit idly by.

Campbell took to Instagram, asking local bakeries and food businesses to join her in raising money for organizations helping people access abortions, hoping a few people would join her. Instead, she got an overwhelming swell of support from local businesses — with bakery and cafe Saint Bread offering their backyard, the Jensen Marina on Portage Bay in the University District, as a location.

“It’s nice to see that in times of pain and suffering that there are people out there who want to help and participate,” Campbell says. “It’s inspiring.”

The event, called “Plan C: A Bakesale for Choice” now includes 18 local businesses (with a waitlist of others hoping to get involved) and is scheduled for June 5 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. All proceeds are being donated to groups that help provide safe access to abortion, or education and advocacy around reproductive health rights, including Planned Parenthood, National Network of Abortion Funds, and the Yellowhammer Fund (individual vendors will choose which groups to donate to). Participating businesses will incur labor and ingredient costs for the event; Skagit Valley’s Cairnspring Mills, which supplies many local bakeries, is donating a bag of flour to participating businesses to offset costs.

A woman holding a layered strawberry cream cake stand next to a woman holding a jar of jam; both are wearing aprons.
Companion Bakes and Ayako and Family are among the businesses participating in the Plan C event.
Courtesy of Megan Campbell

Notable attendees will include Muriel’s, a new kosher deli in Seward Park, The London Plane, a market and cafe in Pioneer Square, and popular local jam maker Ayako and Family (Ayako and Family and The London Plane were also part of Campbell’s 2019 fundraiser, along with another participant, the custom cake shop Lady Grey). Seattle coffee roaster Stamp Act Coffee will be providing coffee drinks.

With the amount of interest Campbell got for this event, she says she’s hoping to make Plan C a yearly event, whether or not Roe v. Wade is overturned. “We just want to get people together to help raise money for access to safe abortion,” she says.

“Plan C: A Bakesale for Choice” will be held at 1417 NE Boat Street on June 5 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Find more information at