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It’s Depressing: Gordon Ramsay Swearing at People Over Food Is Still Bankable TV

The chef’s Future Food Stars series has been renewed before even airing

FOX’s Gordon Ramsays 24 Hours To Hell And Back - Season Three
Gordon Ramsay will resume swearing at people over food this year.

A new television series based around Gordon Ramsay, food, and Gordon Ramsay swearing has been renewed for a second series and taken to America before one member of the general public has even seen it. 2022: it’s just like the others.

Gordon Ramsay’s Future Food Stars, presumably given the acronym FFS by its sixth-form age social media consultant, will air its first series on the BBC later this year. But Ramsay is already looking for new victims contestants for a second, also on the BBC, with Fox moving in to bring the show to the U.S., according to the Mirror. The show sees Ramsay move from the role of restaurant saviour to suited entrepreneur, with little else known about what is gearing up to be an angrier version of the Apprentice.

It’ll also be a worthwhile break from peppering the U.K. with burger and pizza restaurants. The chef-restaurateur is seemingly on a one-man mission to instigate a casual dining crunch for 2025, opening burger and pizza restaurants across the capital and country in empty restaurants vacated by over-expanded burger and pizza restaurants.

Away from restaurants, recent delves into TV host (with Bank Balance, which made it through one season) and white saviour chef explorer (with Uncharted) have been met coolly, so it’s no surprise that Ramsay is falling back on food, fear, and swearing. FFS, indeed.